By Megan S. Monsour, Family Building Attorney
Medical costs are just one of the many concerns for a person facing an unplanned pregnancy. Prenatal care is vital for a healthy pregnancy, but without medical insurance care is expensive and can even be hard to access without verification of insurance.
For those who want to consider adoption, it is important to know that the expectant mother will not be responsible for medical costs, even if there are complications. The adoptive family will ensure all medical bills are paid for both herself and the child, including all prenatal care. If adoption is the right choice for mother, the choice should lessen stressors including the financial burden.
When an expectant mother makes an adoption plan, the adoption professionals involved will work to ensure her prenatal care. If the woman has her own insurance, it is likely there will be a co-pay or some responsibility on behalf of the patient. The adoptive family can reimburse what has been paid and/or pay any out of pocket costs as the pregnancy progresses. They will also pay any out of pocket costs for delivery and care of the child at the hospital.
If an expectant mother does not have insurance, if she considers adoption or not, she should seek to determine if she may qualify for Medicaid coverage. Medicaid is the federal health insurance program for individuals with low income. A pregnant women without steady or low income, is very likely to be approved and her medical costs associate with her entire pregnancy and delivery 100% covered with no additional co-pay or out of pocket expenses.
Medicaid in Kansas is administered by the Department of Children and Families “DCF” and similar agencies in other states. The process can be started online and may require documentation to be provided for approval. Medicaid is also retroactive for up to three months after approval. This means that for a woman who delivered a child but did not have approved Medicaid coverage at the time of the child’s birth, if the application is completed appropriately at the hospital the delivery and care for the child is very likely to be covered with no costs paid by the mother. Many hospitals will help the mother complete the application at the time of the child’s birth.
The financial reality of an unplanned pregnancy is very real. Women should have all options available to them. In considering what may be right for their child, it is important to know that adoption ensures she will have no financial responsibility for medical care for herself or the baby. If adoption is not the right choice for her, she may also qualify for Medicaid coverage eliminating one financial need when raising a newborn.
Call Megan at 316-267-2000 to hear more about your options.