
Adoption Resources

As an adoption attorney, I see the impact of mental health in building families and in my own life.

Suggested Books

“You Should be Grateful”: Stories of Race, Identity, and Transracial Adoption


Seven Core Issues in Adoption and Permanency 


20 Things Adoptive Parents Need to Succeed


Twenty Things Adoptive Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew


Good Inside


Adopted Child

An adopted child can benefit from therapy for several reasons. Adoption can be a significant life event that can impact a child’s emotional well-being, especially if they have experienced previous trauma or attachment difficulties. Additionally, an adopted child may struggle with issues such as identity, self-esteem, and feeling like they don’t belong. Therapy can provide a safe and supportive environment for the child to explore these issues and develop coping skills to manage any difficulties that may arise. It can also help the child and their family navigate the unique challenges that come with adoption, such as navigating relationships with birth parents or managing feelings of loss and grief.

Biological Parents

Biological parents who have chosen to place their child for adoption may also benefit from therapy. Choosing adoption can be an incredibly difficult and emotional decision that can cause significant feelings of grief, loss, and guilt. Therapy can provide a safe and non-judgmental space for these parents to process their feelings and come to terms with their decision. It can also help them work through any trauma or challenges they may have experienced that led them to make an adoption plan. Additionally, therapy can provide support for these parents as they navigate any ongoing relationships or contact with their child and their adoptive family.

Adoptive Parents

Adoptive parents can benefit from therapy in several ways. Adopting a child can be a rewarding experience, but it can also come with unique challenges and stressors. Therapy can provide adoptive parents with the support and guidance they need to navigate these challenges and build a strong relationship with their adopted child. Adoptive parents may also benefit from therapy to address any underlying issues that may have led them to pursue adoption, such as infertility or past trauma. Additionally, therapy can help adoptive parents understand and support their child’s emotional needs, particularly if the child has experienced trauma or attachment difficulties. It can also provide adoptive parents with strategies to manage any behavioral or emotional issues that may arise and strengthen their family’s overall well-being.

Family Therapy

Family therapy can be a valuable resource for both the adopted child and adoptive parents. Family therapy provides a safe and supportive space for all family members to express themselves, communicate more effectively, and work together to resolve any challenges or conflicts that may arise. Overall, family therapy can help strengthen the bond between the adopted child and adoptive parents and improve the family’s overall well-being.